Tip 1 - Putting Your Habits Under the Microscope


Maybe a bad habit doesn’t affect only you. Smoking, excessive drinking, and poor study habits can have disastrous effects on many of the people around you.

To get you started, you need to be aware of what poor habits you might have, and, just as importantly, how they might be affecting people close to you. You need to get in deep and scrutinize those bad habits and the chaos they might be causing. Give your bad habits a really close inspection.

Without realising it, bad habits can drain us physically and emotionally and make us very miserable.

Nobody said it would be easy but it is possible to change lifelong habits. Is determination enough? Probably not. You need to have an awareness of what poor habits you might have and how they are affecting you and people close to you.

You also need to have a strategy for tackling the process of removing the habit and replacing it with something which serves you better and, probably, you will need some support from those around you.

Now it’s your turn

Make a list of the danger areas where bad habits are making you miserable.

Habits are often performed unconsciously. Scrutinize your current habits and definite what changes you need to make. If studying is difficult for your – observe what you are doing. How many hours a day/week do you study? Where? What motivates you? What distracts you?

What is working in your life? Have you started a diet and the kilos are dropping off? OR

What is not? Are you desperately trying to lose weight but the scales stay stuck?

What habits would you like to get rid of? Make a list.

What new habits would you like to introduce into your life? Make a list.

What new habits would help you achieve such a goal?

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