This is fundamental. If you can’t acknowledge the fact that stage fright affects you, how on earth will you handle it? Stage fright may come upon you suddenly, it may be with you from day one of your career, it may disappear as quickly as it came, but whilst it is with you, you have to look it squarely in the face and challenge it regularly. It might go away with time and practice but do you want to take that chance, or would you rather have control of the situation?

Speaking in public can take many forms. These can include: going for an interview, giving a presentation of your products or services, giving evidence in court, speaking at your child’s school meeting, making a speech at a wedding, taking an oral examination, inviting someone on a date, asking a favour, asking for a price reduction, making a complaint, teaching a class, giving a talk or lecture, asking for a raise, meeting new people, making phone calls.

Fear of speaking in public is more often than not a combination of many fears, including fear of criticism, fear of embarrassment, fear of rejection, fear of uncertainty, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of ridicule, fear of the imperfection, fear of losing control.

Now it’s your turn

Can you describe any instances of stage fright in your own life?

Do you avoid the public speaking situations that provoke unpleasant emotions and physical symptoms? YES/NO

Do you avoid the situation? ALWAYS/FREQUENTLY/SOMETIMES

What are you currently experiencing in relation to speaking in public that you don’t like?

Are any of the fears on the list of fears as “your” fears?

Do you feel angry, sad, disappointed... when you experience the fear over and over again?

How will it be if this situation continues far into the future?

How will it be if you make some positive changes instead?

After this mini-reflection, you can start to take action and bring about change.

Complete and Continue